Check: How to Install Selenium IDE and FireBug
Lets, start with Selenium IDE with a Login script.
Step 1:
Open Firefox and Selenium IDE
Type Base URL: in Selenium IDE
Click on Red Button to Start Recording.
Step 2:
Go to Firefox, Navigate to
Type Username: admin and Password: admin then clicks on login button.
Step 3:
Click on Logout option.
Step 4:
Go to Selenium IDE, Click on Red Button using which recording will stop. Save same test case using Save Test Case option.
You can see in Selenium IDE, all the command automatically recorded in a tabular view.
Now the magic happens, using Selenium IDE we can repeat same test case again and again. Click on Play current test case option, We can see same test case which we done manually now been Automatically.
* Green color shows that test cases are passed without any error.